To Garden City Board of Trustees

We, the undersigned residents of Garden City, are writing to express our shared interest in the future of the St. Paul's main building. We recognize the value of this landmark to so many in our community and appreciate the Board's efforts to explore potential options for its future.

We believe, however, that the current survey neither encompasses the full range of possibilities nor can fully reflect community sentiment for the St. Paul's building. Despite public resident demand, the Board of Trustees has refused to allow demolition or facadism to be represented equally with adaptive reuse on the survey. Furthermore, no prior survey of Village residents has explored all potential options to determine resident choice.

Therefore, we respectfully request that the Board of Trustees undertake a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of resident preferences regarding the St. Paul's main building before any additional monies are spent on the building.  This assessment should explore all viable options, including, but not limited to:

  • Adaptive reuse of the existing structure for various purposes.

  • Preservation and restoration of the building's facade with a multi-purpose sports/community center behind it.

  • Demolition of the building and redevelopment of the site.

We believe that no decisions regarding the future of St. Paul's should be finalized until the Village has gathered comprehensive input from residents on all possible options. A thorough understanding of resident priorities and willingness to fund a chosen project is essential for ensuring that any plan moving forward reflects the best interests of the community and has wide and extended community support. 

We urge the Board to prioritize this comprehensive survey of residents of all options and to make the results publicly available. We are confident that through open communication and collaboration, we can determine the best path forward for this important community asset. 


Sign the letter

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